Quick Guide to Oral Advocacy
Oral Advocacy (9): Concluding arguments
Date: 2016-10-23 23:26:03 Views: 0
An instructional video about oral advocacy in mooting. This episode describes how to conclude arguments.
EN: Hi, welcome back. I’m Eric and this is the Quick Guide to Oral Advocacy. Today, we’ll study how to conclude arguments so that you can end your arguments effectively. In particular, you’ll learn: elements of a good conclusion – a brief review and decisions you hope the Tribunal will arrive at; common signposts – in conclusion, to conclude, concluding; how to end your arguments if time does not allow for a complete conclusion.
EN: Begin your conclusion with a brief review, which reminds the judges of the essence of your case. It’s important that the review is in line with your case theory. Then, succinctly restate your party’s position on the dispute by telling the Tribunal what decisions you want them to make as a result of your submissions.
EN: Let’s have a look at how Harp concludes the substantive issues on behalf of the Claimant:
HS: Concluding, Mr President and members of the Tribunal, the Claimant performed its obligations under the contract by delivering the tobacco products and the subsequent merchandise. However, the Respondent failed to perform its obligations by unjustifiably alleging a force majeure. As such, the Claimant submits that it is entitled to liquidated damages under the Distribution Agreement and there will be no risk of an enforcement of such an award if given. Thank you.
EN: In the example, Harp first signals the beginning of his conclusion with the signpost concluding. You could use alternatives like in conclusion and to conclude. Harp then gives a brief review of the essence of the case, in line with the case theory that we saw in episode 3. Next, he restates the Claimant’s position, highlighting the remedies sought, before wrapping up with a polite thank you.
EN: In case you’re running out of time, it’s still a good idea to quickly signal the end of your arguments. Let’s see how Harp manages to end his speech calmly under time pressure. Learn the lines by heart!
HS: Mr President and members of the Tribunal, this concludes my arguments on the substantive issues. Thank you.
EN: After watching this episode, we hope you’ve learnt how to conclude your arguments: include a brief review of the essence of the case and decisions you want the Tribunal to arrive at; use signposts such as in conclusion, to conclude and concluding to signal the beginning of your conclusion; remember the following lines if you can only do a quick conclusion because of limited time: Mr President and members of the Tribunal, this concludes my arguments on the procedural/substantive issues. Thank you.
EN: In the next episode, we’ll look at how to respond to questions. Stay tuned!
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